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  • I replied that I thought he was in the right place, and told him to get busy with his talk on dots and dashes. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • As there was no limit to the distance that electricity would travel there seemed no reason why these dots and dashes, or sparks and spaces, should not be sent all around the world. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • The Morse telegraphic code, consisting of dots, dashes, and spaces, is given in Figure 218. 伯莎M.克拉克. 科学通论.
  • Jem Spyers dashes out; and there he sees Chickweed, a-tearing down the street full cry. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 雾都孤儿.
  • He never wrote to me without asking for money in his life, and all his letters are full of bad spelling, and dashes, and bad grammar. 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • Hence, the transmitted message was received on the tape in visible dots and dashes representing characters of the Morse alphabet. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • He replaced the recording pencil with a fountain pen, and instead of the zigzag signals used the short and long lines that came to be called dots and dashes. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • His far-distant goal was to construct a machine that would carry, not the dots and dashes of the telegraph, but the complex vibrations of the human voice. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • He abandoned the attempt to cut dashes as such, in the paper tape, but instead punched three round holes so arranged as to form a triangle. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • When this pickerel saw the red roach through the glass, he made one of those awful dashes which is usually the ruin of whatever stands in its way; but he didn't reach the red roach. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • He perfected the dot and dash code, he invented the device for embossing the message, and replaced the inking pen by a metal disc, smeared with ink, that rolled the dots and dashes on the paper. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • From Twemlow's, Veneering dashes at Podsnap's place of business. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 我们共同的朋友.
  • The alphabet consisted simply of an arrangement of dots and dashes in varying sequence. Edward W. Byrn. 十九世纪发明进展.
  • These movements give rise to the clicking sounds which represent the dots and dashes of the Morse or other alphabet as transmitted by the operator. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • Thus, the transmission of Morse dots and dashes by the distant operator resulted in movements of corresponding length by the frictional pad and vibrating arm. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • By means of this adjunct the dashes and dots of the transmitted impulses could be recorded upon a paper ribbon passing continuously over the drum. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • One day, thinking he might be confined in a room facing the office, I put my arm out of the window and kept signalling dots and dashes by the movement of the arm. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • The younger man had added an improvement of his own; instead of the dots and dashes being indicated by the markings of a pen or pencil they were embossed on the paper with a metal stylus. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • It is one thing to send a message by the mechanical process of dots and dashes made by breaking and joining a current. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • He opened and closed it so that the locomotive’s whistles resembled the dots and dashes of the telegraph code. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • Some time prior to 1877, Edison had been experimenting on an automatic telegraph in which the letters were formed by embossing strips of paper with the proper arrangement of dots and dashes. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
  • Therefore Morse knew that if he devised his alphabet he had only to choose the best method of indicating the dots and dashes by the current. 鲁伯特·萨金特·荷兰. 历史性发明.
  • The irregular lines of dots and dashes were translated into words in accordance with the principles of the Morse telegraph. 威廉·亨利·杜利特. 世纪发明.
  • A certain group of perforations corresponds to a Morse group of dots and dashes for a letter of the alphabet. 弗兰克·刘易斯·戴尔. 爱迪生的生平和发明.
