(adj.) brief and to the point; effectively cut short; 'a crisp retort'; 'a response so curt as to be almost rude'; 'the laconic reply; `yes''; 'short and terse and easy to understand' .
(adj.) (of something seen or heard) clearly defined; 'a sharp photographic image'; 'the sharp crack of a twig'; 'the crisp snap of dry leaves underfoot' .
(adj.) (of hair) in small tight curls .
(adj.) pleasingly firm and fresh; 'crisp lettuce' .
(adj.) pleasantly cold and invigorating; 'crisp clear nights and frosty mornings'; 'a nipping wind'; 'a nippy fall day'; 'snappy weather' .
(adj.) tender and brittle; 'crisp potato chips' .