3325英语网 英语单词



英式发音:[ə'plɔːd] or [ə'plɔd] 美式发音

    (verb.) express approval of; 'I applaud your efforts'.

    (verb.) clap one's hands or shout after performances to indicate approval.




  • Smith; promote him, he said, and the whole country will applaud. 尤利西斯·格兰特. U.S.格兰特的个人回忆录.
  • We may probably become acquainted with habits which it may be prudent to adopt, and discover virtues which we cannot fail to applaud. 本杰明·富兰克林. 富兰克林自传.
  • This gallery swarmed with people eager for a scene, ready to applaud or shout down the speakers below. 赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯. 世界史纲.
  • We had made some pale efforts in the beginning to applaud Mr. Wopsle; but they were too hopeless to be persisted in. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 远大前程.
  • I said, with a tone and manner whose consummate chariness and frostiness I could not but applaud. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 维莱特.
  • I applaud him for it. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 小杜丽.
  • Say I applaud her wisdom and admire her discretion. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 匹克威克外传.
  • Here Sam sat down with a pleasant smile, and his speech having been vociferously applauded, the company broke up. 查尔斯·狄更斯. 匹克威克外传.
  • He laughed aloud at trifles, made bad jokes and applauded them himself, and, in short, grew unmeaningly noisy. 夏洛蒂·勃朗特. 雪莉.
  • The company made a circle round her and applauded as wildly as if she had been a Noblet or a Taglioni. 威廉·梅克比斯·萨克雷. 名利场.
  • The acclamations of thousands applauded the unanimous award of the Prince and marshals, announcing that day's honours to the Disinherited Knight. 沃尔特·司各特. 艾凡赫.
  • Repression is an insignificant part of its work; the use of the club can never be applauded, though it may be tolerated _faute de mieux_. 沃尔特·李普曼. 政治序论.
  • Marianne's performance was highly applauded. 简·奥斯汀. 理智与情感.
  • Ralph did it justice, remarked some faults, but applauded the beauties. 本杰明·富兰克林. 富兰克林自传.
  • It was read and repeated: Watson and Osborne gave up the contest, and joined in applauding it. 本杰明·富兰克林. 富兰克林自传.
  • I always feel as if I were in the convent again--or on the stage, before a dreadfully polite audience that never applauds. 伊迪丝·华顿. 纯真年代.
