cobalt: [17] German kobold means ‘goblin’: and in former times it was believed by German silver miners that impurities in the ore they were extracting, which lessened the value of the silver and even made them ill, were put there by these mischievous creatures. In fact these impurities were a silver-white metallic element, which was named kobalt after a Middle High German variant of kobold (the miners’ sickness was probably caused by the arsenic with which it occurred).
cobalt (n.)
1680s, from German kobold "household goblin," Harz Mountains silver miners' term for rock laced with arsenic and sulfur (so called because it degraded the ore and made the miners ill), from Middle High German kobe "hut, shed" + *holt "goblin," from hold "gracious, friendly," a euphemistic word for a troublesome being. The metallic element was extracted from this rock. It was known to Paracelsus, but discovery is usually credited to the Swede George Brandt (1733), who gave it the name. Extended to a blue color 1835 (a mineral containing it had been used as a blue coloring for glass since 16c.). Compare nickel.
1. They walked past stalls selling huge sprays of crimson, saffron and cobalt flowers.
2. Sixty - five percent of the special heat resistant metal in a jet engine is made of cobalt.
3. A new metal ore found in Northrend is Cobalt.
4. But she was wearing the cobalt raiment of the Angel of Death.
5. Cobalt - based alloy is a kind of important materials used in elevated temperature.